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The Hidden Dangers and Benefits of Vitamin C Megadose

by 앵미뉘 2024. 1. 8.

Hello, We learned about vitamin C last time. Vitamin C megadose is popular these days, so I wrote this to find out about vitamin C megadose. Vitamin C megadose refers to taking vitamin C in a large amount that greatly exceeds the usual recommended intake. This is usually a high dose of vitamin C that greatly exceeds the medically required amount. I already told you about the precautions, side effects, and effects of vitamin C in the previous post, so this time, we will learn about the intake and what to check before starting the megadose.


Adequate intake of vitamin C megadose

The appropriate intake depends on the individual's health condition, medical situation, and the advice of a medical professional. A high dose of vitamin C, which usually greatly exceeds the medically required amount, usually includes much higher than the recommended daily intake.


The recommended daily intake of vitamin C for adults 19 and older in South Korea is 100 milligrams.
For pregnant women, it is recommended to take 110mg to supply the fetus with a sufficient amount of vitamin C.
It is recommended that lactating mothers take 135mg due to milk secretion.



Megadose Vitamin C indicates a significant excess of this recommended amount, so the intake of Megadose Vitamin C can usually be between 1,000 mg and 5,000 mg, or more. When I searched online, it was also common for people who consumed more than 10,000 mg.

However, consuming Megadose Vitamin C requires attention and should be done under the guidance of a medical professional. Excessive intake of vitamin C can cause side effects, especially risking interacting with individual health conditions.
When considering vitamin C megadose, it is important to consult a medical professional to determine your health status and safe intake according to your needs.

What to prepare before Megadose

Care should be taken when taking vitamin C megadose, and it is important to consult a medical professional to properly progress it. The following general guidelines can also be considered when taking megadose

Consult your healthcare professional: The first is to consult your healthcare professional. Before you take vitamin C megadose, you should consult your healthcare professional. This is because you need to determine the appropriate amount by considering your health status, whether you are taking any existing medications, allergies, and other health conditions.



Pre-Start Checkup: Consider regular health checkups that check blood pressure, kidney function, iron levels, and more before taking Megadose Vitamin C.
Increasing Slowly: Increasing your Megadose Vitamin C intake gradually is recommended. Sudden overconsumption can cause digestive problems and side effects.
Divided intake: Most vitamin C does not last long in the body, so it may be effective to take it several times a day.
Eating With Meals: Taking Vitamin C with Meals can make your digestion smoother.





Keep an eye on side effects: Consult a medical professional immediately if you experience any side effects or abnormal symptoms while taking Megadose Vitamin C.


Consumption of Megadose Vitamin C is a risk of side effects if consumed in long-term or high doses, so it is safe to conduct it under the guidance of a medical professional. It is important to determine the appropriate amount and method according to an individual's health condition.

Like this, we learned about the proper intake and preparations for vitamin C megadose. Thank you for reading the long article. See you again.
