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The Most Effective Nutrient in Human History, VitaminC <2>

by 앵미뉘 2024. 1. 4.

Hello. Following the last time, this time, the effectiveness of vitamin C, when to take it, and precautions
Let's learn about vitamin C.




Precautions & side effects of vitamin C

Vitamin C is usually a vitamin that can be consumed safely, but excessive intake can cause side effects.
Below is information on the precautions and side effects of vitamin C.



1. excessive consumption
Excessive vitamin C intake can cause a random sharp increase. In general, you should avoid taking amounts that exceed your recommended daily intake.

2. the possibility of an absence of stones
In some people, excessive intake of vitamin C can cause kidney stones to form. Especially those who have experienced kidney disease or stones should consult a doctor.

3. a decrease in iron absorption
Eating high-dose vitamin C can reduce the absorption of iron. If iron deficiency or iron absorption is important, it is recommended to consult your doctor.


Side effects

1. a digestive problem
High-dose vitamin C intake can stimulate the digestive system, which can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain, or side effects of gas.

2. Skin rash and allergic reactions
Some people may experience skin rashes or allergic reactions from high-dose vitamin C intake.


3. effects of glucose metabolism
High-dose vitamin C can affect glucose metabolism, which can affect diabetes or blood sugar management.

4. a dental problem
Excessive vitamin C intake can cause calcium hair loss in teeth, so long-term high-dose intake can affect dental health.

5. Iron loss and anemia
Vitamin C can reduce iron absorption, so excessive intake can lead to iron deficiency or anemia.

It is recommended to consult a medical professional before taking vitamin C. The appropriate intake and method can be determined by considering an individual's health status, whether or not to take existing medicines, and other diseases.



the effects of vitamin C 

Vitamin C is an important vitamin that provides various effects to the human body by performing various physiological functions. Below are some of the main effects of vitamin C.

1. Immune enhancement
Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and improves resistance to infectious diseases. It stimulates the activity of white blood cells and supports immune function by removing free radicals through antioxidant action.

2. Promoting collagen production
Vitamin C promotes the activity of enzymes needed to produce collagen, repairing defects in the skin, joints, blood vessels, etc. and supports growth. This helps maintain skin elasticity and improve tissue strength.

3. antioxidant action
Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that prevents cell damage caused by free radicals and oxygen molecules. This can contribute to slowing the aging process and reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

4. promotion of iron absorption
Vitamin C promotes the absorption of iron, which can help prevent anemia and produce energy.

5. Stress Management
Vitamin C can help manage stress by supporting the body's stress response system.

6. tumor prevention
Some studies suggest that vitamin C may help prevent some tumors. It helps prevent the formation of harmful compounds and minimize damage to cells due to its antioxidant action.

7. Nervous system support
Vitamin C supports the normal function of the nervous system and participates in producing the compounds needed for brain activity.

8. Vitamin E regeneration
Vitamin C plays a role in regenerating vitamin E, helping to maintain its antioxidant effect for a longer period of time.


the right time to consume

Vitamin C can be taken through food or supplements. However, it is recommended to eat consistently with a balanced diet rather than a special time of intake. Below are some guidelines to help you get vitamin C properly.


1. Collectively divided and consumed
It is recommended to split the recommended daily intake and take it multiple times. This way, absorption of vitamin C may be more effective.

2. Eat with your meal
Vitamin C can be absorbed better when taken with food. It is recommended to take vitamin C during or after meals.

3. Before and after working out
According to some studies, consuming vitamin C before and after exercise may reduce muscle damage and help recovery.

4. To prevent stress or infection
Taking vitamin C can be useful when you are under stress or to prevent infection. In these situations, a steady intake can generally be effective.

5. Steady consumption to boost immunity
Vitamin C helps strengthen your immune system, so you can take vitamin C steadily to support your daily immunity.

6. Before you go to sleep
Some studies suggest that consuming vitamin C before sleep can help improve sleep quality. However, I do not prefer this method because vitamin C works.


The proper timing of intake may vary depending on your health condition, lifestyle, and purpose of taking vitamin C. It is recommended to take these into account and set the proper timing of intake and listen to the advice of a medical professional.


So far, we've learned the precautions & side effects of vitamin C, effects, and proper timing of intake.

Thank you for reading the long article. See you again.

